If you have any queries in regards to our Cufflinks you can email us and we will be very happy to call back any prospective customers (usually within an hour or so during the working day in UK). Please fill in the form at the bottom of the page, or Email: info@cufflinksworld.com:
Please note, we typically reply to all enquiries (via contact form or email) within 24 hours. Adding info@cufflinksworld.com to your
address book or Spam whitelist can help - but please check your Spam folder & contact us again if your reply doesn't arrive.
Head Office, Returns & Warehouse:
Cufflinks World
9 Claire Gardens, Waterlooville,
Hampshire, PO8 0JH
United Kingdom.
Please complete the following form if you'd like a callback, have an item to return, or have any pre-sales questions..... alternatively Email: info@cufflinksworld.com
Please note, we typically reply to all enquiries (via contact form or email) within 24 hours. Adding info@cufflinksworld.com to your
address book or Spam whitelist can help - but please check your Spam folder & contact us again if your reply doesn't arrive.